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Introduction of origin and grade of Cell-Box serum

2019-12-26 17:30:24 Browse:949次

CB bovine serum products are classified into Extra Grade fetal bovine serum, premium grade fetal bovine serum and standard fetal bovine serum of Australian or New Zealand origin; Five different grades of imported and domestic ultra-low endotoxin fetal bovine serum from South America origin, premium grade neonatal bovine serum from Australian or New Zealand sources.

Among them, the main differences between different grades of Australian or New Zealand blood source fetal bovine serum are: Extra Grade, imported from Australian or New Zealand, processed and produced fetal bovine serum in Australian factories; premium grade, imported Australian blood source, produced in CB China factory. In China, the market price of fetal bovine serum remains high, and the product quality is unstable. CB standard fetal bovine blood, as a high-quality and economical fetal bovine serum, was screen out from pregnant cows in Australian or New Zealand after 18 months of blood collection visits and repeated comparison test. Relying on the guidance of blood collection and production technology of senior experts in the United States and Australia, fetal bovine serum processed by using cardiac puncture technology. Multiple batches of serum of this grade, premium grade, Extra Grade, and other imported brands of fetal bovine serum have been repeatedly tested in varieties of cells, after more than 60 days continuously cell culture and observation and value-added testing, all of which have shown good experimental results.